cork box | soap


Cork travel box for the soap bar

100% natural handmade in alentejo, with cork by @corkconnection

Inside measures 7,5 x 8,5 x 2,5 cm

Besides being a travel box for the soap it also can be used in the bathroom as a holder for the solid shampoo or the soap or to keep other small objects.

The cork allows the water to run through keeping the shampoo always dry making it last longer.


check out our soap collection to go along the cork box

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1 review for cork box | soap

  1. Pati

    Adoro esta caixa, e também tenho as caixas redondas para o shampoo e amaciador, são bonitas e não deixam o sabonete húmido como acontece com caixas metálicas.

    I love this box and I also have the round boxes for shampoo and conditioner, they are so pretty and don’t leave the soap wet like it happens with metallic boxes.

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